April 6, 2010

i miss you

We lost something special this week...

our coffee pot died and you have no idea how much that can affect your mornings! The first morning i took it apart and promptly realized that i don’t have the slightest clue how to fix it. So now we have a real problem on our hands. We have been stalling to buy a new one because anything more than a 4 cup glorified barbie tea pot is too expensive. Finally, today I have turned to music to express my feelings and who better to borrow songs about difficulties in life from than Miley Cyrus. I have adapted her song, “I Miss You” to fit my particular situation. I hope you enjoy it.

I miss you

I miss your smile (your smell, your sound, your gold basket filter)

And I still shed a tear (and get massive headaches)

Every once in a while (every single morning so far)

And even though it's different now (we’re using the lame french press)

You're still here somehow (in pieces in the closet)

My heart won't let you go (and neither will Elissa’s)

And I need you to know (that i went to stinking kfc one morning this week for coffee)

I miss you, sha la la la la (blah blah blah)

I miss you (until we go to metro and replace you...hopefully tomorrow)


Unknown said...

bahahahahahahahahahahahah . . . so funny jon!

Aaron Smith said...

coffee isn't good for you anyway...