August 25, 2008

chewing the fat

most of you have heard the phrase, "chewing the fat". for me, the phrase used to conjure up images of friends sitting around at a coffee shop discussing issues and talking about life. since living in china, the phrase has taken on a new and much more literal meaning.  it takes some getting used to as evidenced by the pictures of elissa and me enjoying a pork barbecue with friends. the longer we're here, though, the more our culinary boldness increases.  lately, we have found ourselves eating more hot pot and tofu, more spicy lamb kebobs and lotus pudding, more duck and chicken parts, more bitter roots and mystery stuffed dumplings.  and as we frequent more street-side restaurants, i'm beginning to realize, there's a reason why people eat this stuff...most of it's pretty darn good! 


Aaron Smith said...

keep the posts coming!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for branching out! (When in Rome... ) You have had the luxury of time to work up to some of these less familiar choices....and I venture to guess you will miss some of them upon your return. (You are still planning to return?!?)

Jeremy said...

your both nuts!

Unknown said...

way to be bold! i bet it makes the "chefs" day when foreigners try the food and try to like it:) it doesn't beat Cherry Brie Salad with Baked Rigatoni!