September 2, 2010

i want to ride my bicycle

Thanks to some seriously generous and thoughtful donations, I now have my very own bicycle over here! Thank you so much friends! Jon is saying that I now have my wings, and I think he's a little sad that i don't need a lift on his scooter for every single little errand i need to run. I have to admit, I have a new feeling of freedom when I hop on and take to the open road here...even though the open road is super cramped, loaded with cars, bikes, scooters, people and tons of other unimaginable entertainment. And I truly thought that I would obey the laws of the road once I started peddling on my own here in China. What a joke. There hardly are any laws...and the ones that exist are only there to be challenged using your own creativity. I better wear my helmet.


Lindsey B. said...

Love this! You look so stylish on your new bike!! But....where's your helmet!!!!

Kim R said...

LOVE the bike! Especially the basket =)

Unknown said...

Beauty Bike indeed! I'm sure Jon won't let you fly solo more than you need to :)